
Bunker 91B

  I slapped my mop onto the ground and pushed it lazily. The cleaning crew was the worst, but I only had a few more shifts before my team rotated back to The Garden. That was the name we used for the labs we ‘grew’ chemically enhanced food in. Any job was better than cleaning crap though.  The lunch buzzer interrupted my mediocre mop job.   “Hey, did you hear?” Jose ran up behind me and clapped me on the back, “Apparently we’re only a week away from release!”  I felt my shoulders drop, “They’ve been saying that for years man. We’re not leaving.”  “No, really!” He insisted, “Marge from the Political Wing told Crazy George that the infection is nearly gone!”  I stopped and turned toward Jose, letting him see the sarcastic glare I was giving off, “Crazy George is your source?” I let out a mocking cackle and continued down the hall.  Jose didn’t let my pessimism diminish him, “You’ll see! Today at lunch announcements, we’ll be told. I can feel it!”  We walked the rest of the dorm hallway i